
Is It OK To Drive On Empty

So we’ve all had those days. You had a long day at the office, you are tired, and all you want to do is go home. Traffic snarls are keeping you on the commute for way too long and – would you look at that – your gas light just went on. You really don’t feel like stopping and filling up after the day you’ve had, so you decide to drive the rest of the way home and worry about it tomorrow. We have literally all done this, but is it OK for your car to drive on empty? Outwest Auto explains why it probably isn’t.

You Could Run Out Of Gas

If you drive on empty for too long, you are eventually going to run out of gas. This is as inevitable as just about anything out there. And what happens then? You had better hope your cell phone is charged for that call to a towing company, or at least you are wearing comfortable shoes for the walking you’ll have to do. So rather than face that hassle and embarrassment – and it IS embarrassing – just stop and get gas when you hit a quarter of a tank.

You Could Damage Your Vehicle

Your car is made to have gasoline in it, so running out of gas or habitually driving on empty can cause real damage. Your fuel pump, for example, is meant to be submerged in fuel, so driving on empty can cause misfires of this critical component. And as any auto technician will tell you, replacing this part is not only complicated, it is expensive and complicated. Driving on empty can also cause problems with your fuel line, your catalytic converter, and more. So if you suspect your bad habits have caused damage to your vehicle, our techs would be happy to take a look and suggest any needed repairs.

Just Get Gas!

We’ve all had those long days, but skipping a fill-up just isn’t a good idea. Not only could you end up stranded, but habitually driving on empty can really damage delicate parts of your vehicle. Rather than risk it, why not just fill up when it is necessary?

Photo by huasui lucky from getty images via Canva Pro

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